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Alexandria Business Association welcomed H.E. Ms. Anne Dort Regelsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Egypt

Alexandria Business Association welcomed H.E. Ms. Anne Dort Regelsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Egypt

Alexandria Business Association, headed by Mr. Mohamed Hanno, ABA Chairman welcomed H.E. Ms. Anne Dort Regelsen, Ambassador of Denmark to Egypt and Mr. Amr El Naggar, Honorary Consul of Denmark in Alexandria, and Ms. Basant Darwish, Political and Media Officer at the Danish Embassy, ​​on Wednesday, March 20, 2024, at ABA headquarters.

Mr. Mohamed Hanno gave Ms. Ambassador an overview of the Association Activities, in addition to an overview of the importance of Alexandria Governorate and the multiplicity of Economic Activities due to the versification of its nature.

H. E. Ms. Anne Dort Regelsen also explained that there are already Danish institutions operating in Egypt such as the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) and the Danish Business Club in Cairo (DBCC) Her Excellency also confirmed that the Embassy is ready to provide all facilities for further cooperation between the two sides.

Attended the meeting from the Board Members Dr Mohamed Mehrem , ABA Deputy Chairman and Mr Hayssam ElKayar, ABA Secretary General.