Alexandria Business Association welcomed Ms. Marjolein Jongman - Head of Economic Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Geert Klein - First Secretary Economic Affairs, and Ms. Aziza Shaat - Economic and Trade Advisor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands

Alexandria Business Association welcomed Ms. Marjolein Jongman – Head of Economic Affairs and Development Cooperation, Mr. Geert Klein – First Secretary Economic Affairs, and Ms. Aziza Shaat – Economic and Trade Advisor at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands, On Tuesday 30th April 2024 at ABA Headquarters.

This came within the framework of consolidating Trade Relations and reviewing possible means of cooperation between Alexandria Business Association and the Dutch side in various sectors. The meeting discussed the pivotal role of Alexandria Business Association in providing support to the Business Community not only in Alexandria but all over Egypt, as well as the possible future collaboration with the Embassy regarding the incoming Green Hydrogen and Agriculture missions from Netherlands, in addition to the possible expansion of the Dutch Orange Corners project in the Delta after its successful experience in Upper Egypt. Orange Corners is an initiative of the King­dom of The Netherlands that provides young entrepreneurs across Africa the MENA region and Asia, with the necessary training, networks and facilities to start and grow their startups. The specific focus goes to entrepreneurs contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

The meeting was headed by Mr. Hayssam EL-Kayar – ABA Secretary General and some of our distinguished ABA Members.
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